
Mental Health Moments

Mental Health and Wellness Image, Path into the forest

Mental Health Moments

KVAK’s Laurie Prax sat down with Kyra Meyer, Edward Mangena and Matt Wadsworth of the Valdez Counseling Center to talk about pathways to Healthy Recovery and Mental Health.Providence LogoSponsored by Valdez Counseling Center


KVAK’s Laurie Prax talks to Kyra Meyer from the Valdez Counseling Center about dancing toward addiction….
KVAK’s Laurie Prax talks to Kyra Meyer from the Valdez Counseling Center about healthy living….
KVAK’s Laurie Prax talks to Kyra Meyer from the Valdez Counseling Center about vaping….
KVAK’s Laurie Prax talks to Kyra Meyer from the Valdez Counseling Center about drugs….
KVAK’s Laurie Prax talked with Matt Wadsworth about addiction to drugs and alcohol. Wadsworth explains why people get addicted…
KVAK’s Laurie Prax talks with Ed Mangena of the Providence Valdez Counseling Center about Pathways to Addiction…
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