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(Anchorage, AK)— After decades of using paper forms that had to be mailed or faxed to regional offices, the Alaska Wildlife Troopers are launching a new, online roadkill salvage database. Before this upgrade, paper forms had to be manually entered into multiple lists that were then curated by hand at each regional dispatch center whenever a notification was needed. With the new online system, Alaskans can securely signup on an easy-to-use website, and the database will be automatically updated for regional dispatch centers.

The Alaska Roadkill Salvage Program allows eligible organizations and groups to salvage roadkill animals in their areas after being notified by Troopers or other law enforcement agencies. Participants must respond within 30 minutes of notification and remove the entire animal from the roadway, and then the participant can process the animal for consumption.

“This new secure database will be a huge improvement for Troopers, Dispatchers, and Alaskans as a whole. Information can be easily submitted online, and participants will be quickly notified if a salvageable animal is available in their area,” said Colonel Doug Massie, Director of the Alaska Wildlife Troopers. “Each year, hundreds of moose and other animals are unfortunately killed on Alaska’s roadways; with the Roadkill Salvage Program, we keep our roadways clean and help feed less fortunate Alaskans.”

The new roadkill database will launch on July 1, 2021, and be used across Anchorage, the Matanuska Susitna Valley, Interior Alaska, and the Kenai Peninsula. The former database used for roadkill salvage will be discontinued, so those already enrolled must sign up again online. Eligible Alaska salvage teams and nonprofits can register online at: https://dps.alaska.gov/AWT/Roadkill.
